Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My Day, A Yummy Morning, A Mexican Buffet & A Bath

Today started off as a typical morning…alarm clock goes off and I continue to sleep through it!  As usual I rushed to get ready and zoomed off to work.  This morning, I wanted needed something a little extra to get my day going so I ran into Starbucks.  I love my favorites, but I lived a little on the wild side and tried their caramel apple cider.  Oh.  My.  Goodness!  Pure yumminess!!  If you have not tried one, you must go now and get one!  I took one sip and told the barista that I needed to take another sip and then told her that it was pure bliss!  Y’all it was like drinking an apple pie!!  I tall ya, go out now and try it!

Now get this, my day gets better!  April, my cuz and co-worker, has been going on and on about a local Mexican place that has a buffet.  Today was the day, so we, along with the music minister and two other  friends met up at, what is now my favorite place!  We were so busy digging in to that glorious food that none of us thought to take a picture, but imagine the greatest buffet ever and then add queso!  Heaven on earth!! 

The rest of my day has not been great, but after the fantastic drink and food, who cares!  HA!  Higgins day did not end the way he wanted either…..


Even when he is grumpy and gets a bath, he is still so stinking cute!!

My thankful for the day is having a wonderful lunch, with wonderful friends at the Mexican buffet!


Mary said...

That does it...I'm so going to Starbucks tomorrow morning!

Leah said...

Doing a little blog visiting this morning, and was glad to see that you're keeping up on the Giving Thanks challenge. Yay for you! I hope you continue all month long!

Although I love Mexican food, a Mexican buffet is something I've never had the privilege of eating at. Hopefully some day. If we move out of the sticks. Ha!

Now cheese grits, I'm not sure...

Robin Lambright said...

You had me at Mexican Buffet...sound to wonderful!

Have a great day :)

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

mmm I need to try that apply cider. Poor Higgies he looks a tad ticked at your.