Tuesday, June 10, 2008

VBS & Queen Kamehameha

Yes folks, it's VBS time! I am in my element during Vacation Bible School and I so enjoy teaching and just having tons of fun with the kids. This year I am teaching the kindergarten class, and they are having a blast. Here are a few pictures I snapped tonight at craft time.

Also, each night we are having a contest for different dress up themes. Last night was Tacky Tourist night, and tonight was King or Queen Kamehameha. WELL, I love a contest and I am super competitive, so today, armed with a glue gun, a bed sheet and feathers I attacked the most awesome costume, at least I thought it was!!

All night I had one child from my class walking in front of me blowing bubbles and two behind me carry the train of my cloak. It was totally fun........and I won!

Lots of fun. More pictures to follow of the rest of our week at VBS later! (Did I mention the big diet that is getting ready to start after viewing the pictures that were taken tonight! Ughh!)