Tuesday, February 7, 2012



transitive verb

1: to give little attention or respect to : disregard

2: to leave undone or unattended to especially through carelessness

ne·glect·er noun

Examples of NEGLECT

  1. My Blog
  2. Blogging
  3. Visiting My Blogging Friends

I am a neglecter.  I have fallen off the face of the blogging world and I feel terrible about it.  I can’t seem to find anything to talk about.  Well actually, I have things to talk about, I should rephrase.  I am having trouble finding things to talk about on my blog, for others to read.  I think that is the better way to put it.

I could talk about my life like I used to, but I am sure that it would bore you to pieces.  There are monumental things going on in our household that I could captivate you with, but I can’t really share those things on my blog.  I have to exercise privacy and I don’t like doing that.  I like being free and uncensored to tell the world what I think, but I am held back by the fear of others and their stupid judgment! 

It’s sad when my dog has way more to say on a blog than I do, but at the moment that seems to be the case!

I can say that I miss you. Please hang in there and hopefully soon I will be back into full swing of my personal blogging frenzy that I love and adore!!


Anonymous said...

Keep hoping you will be back...really miss your posts

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

Hello Mckfly you ever gonna post on here again ;)