Well here goes....I have been putting this off for a few days, simply because the first of anything is always the hardest. Waking up this morning to what I woke up to, and it being a first also, I thought that maybe this is the day to post my first post.
I guess I will start will a little about my wonderful family and why there are always blessings amid chaos around our action packed, always busy, crazy life!
My husband, Jeremy and I have been married for 16 years and this May we will celebrate 17 years together as a married couple! Wow, 17 years has seemed to fly by. We meet in high school and HE fell in love with me at first glance. Of course, kicking and screaming the whole way, I finally realized that this crazy boy, amid all my stubbornness, has a special something about him. The rest is history!
We were married in 1991 and in July 1992, welcomed our first son into this world, DJ, short for David Jeremy. He is now 15 years old and you could say is the strong and silent type. DJ always is analyzing everything. His love of God is very evident in all he does. Right now he is learning to drive, or in his mind, perfecting his skills! He is easing me into the world of teenage driving. (He thinks he knows all about driving!) So the epic battle of who is going to drive is ON!!
Then in January 1994, God blessed us with our second bundle of joy and another precious boy, Bradley Allen. Bradley just turned 14 this January and out of our three, he is the most sensitive yet most vocal and times a bit grumpy! His love is everything outdoors, hunting and of course his love of animals is very touching. Bradley favorite motto is: There's a place for all God's creatures.....right next to the potatoes and gravy! This coming from the sensitive, animal loving, teenager. Yes, he loves to eat!
Surprise, Surprise! God blessed us yet again with our third child, Joseph Avery, in February 1998. Joey's arrival completed our journey with child birth, because upon the news of yet another boy, I decided to have the big SNIP preformed on my husband in the ninth month of my pregnancy! At the time I was filled with much joy and peace!! Enough of that!
Joey is a very special child, after his arrival we started on a roller coaster of the unknowns with his digestive tract. Beside that, Joey is a very happy kid that just turned double digits last month. A big milestone in his little life. He is always the life of the party and if he can make someone laugh, his day is complete!
We live in Woodbury Tennessee, on a small little farm, you could say. We have two horses, 4 cats, 1 bird, several fish and too many dogs to count and likewise too many chickens also! Our main livestock that we are raising (besides the children) are market goats. What an adventure that is. We started in the goat business in March of 2006 when a little, no account, brush goat was orphaned and yet again, kicking and screaming (my favorite thing it seems), I began to bottle feed this little white and pink goat. Well that started our adventure with goats, within days, I was totally in love.
Which brings me to the beginning of my post. Starting new things is always hard and a bit scary. But with today's first, I thought well, today's the day. Let me explain.....
We have been very busy with all of our does (female goats) giving birth through-out February. Well we have this goat named Shemika, who we thought would deliver first, but she had other plans. This morning we were woke up by Bradley to tell us there were problems and Shemika has delivered one baby (still born) and trying to deliver another. So up we get (Or should I say I), with a total jolt of reality of, it is really morning and this is not a dream. I start running, with all my glory and not to mention a ratty t-shirt and not enough time to grab my pajama bottoms. I threw on Jeremy's crocs and out the door I ran.
Well, if you are familiar with goats in any way, a normal delivery starts with two little hoofs and a tiny nose. Then out comes the baby in a banana formation. Well to my shock and horror, there was this big head and no little hoofs to be seen. So of course, Jeremy lingering still in the bed, taking life one day at the time, was abruptly drug outside also, in his undies and tennis shoes.....what a sight!!
With a friend of mine on the phone, DJ and Bradley holding this poor does still, and Jeremy and I yelling at each other to do something, a goat midwife was born!! Yes folks, I proceeded to enter in and pull that baby out! Yikes! A moment for all to experience! A baby boy was born. She did have another kid, a girl. Mother, son and daughter are resting comfortably this evening! Their names are Simon and Dot.
Which brings me to this bible verse,
Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin.....Zechariah, 4:10.
Just another day of unexpected things God puts into our paths. What a glorious day it was, with life and new adventures!!